Sounds exotic doesn’t it? The Master Bathroom. Why yes, Edgar, I’ll take another lemon creme profiterole before my evening bath. And do fluff the towels this time, would you Edgar? Lord knows I could do without the scratches.
In reality the toilet didn’t flush properly without a strategic pour from a bucket while holding the flusher, there were holes in the ceiling, and there was flaking paint on the walls. The tiles were about 40 years old, and the light shade looked like a dǒulì.
This was the most successful transition of the three bathrooms; the only issues remaining at the end were the corroded fixtures (from the tile cleaning acid) and a leaking shower screen. The leaks were fixed by the people who installed it (people who we arranged separately from the builder). Apparently we were the first people to complain in twenty years.
When we were shopping around for rain shower heads we were told by the store (Mods in SS2) that a certain, reasonably high quality brass head was on sale. We looked, we liked, and we said okay. As the cashier was ringing up the bill she nonchalantly mentioned something about LED lights. We paused, and asked her to please clarify.
And so, when the water runs cold there is a blue ring of LED lights on the shower head. When the water runs hot the lights become red. The head isn’t plugged into any sort of electrical outlet and doesn’t have batteries, so we naturally suspected witchcraft of some kind. Of course, the real explanation is a not-terribly-exciting story of miniature turbines running generators and temperature sensitive circuits.
And they were cheap, so why not?

After tiling and internal plumbing. And that mixer, just like the one downstairs, is upside down. Obviously this was fixed along with the others. See our last bathroom post for more details.

And here it is – quite a jump from the last photo, but for some reason we didn’t take a lot of pictures of this bathroom’s progress.